File Share Resource Manager (FSRM)

As Solution Architects, we live one day at a time..

Today, everything works smoothly and tomorrow is another challenge

Now, you notice your drives are growing fast…

You performed an audit on the file shares and noticed the social media teams are consuming most part of the drive.

You anticipated that soonest, it would deprive other users of access to their file shares

Pending the time you get approvals to expand the drives, you might have to put control measures in place.

You would like to have a quota limit for each department, screen out unproductive files, and notify end-users when they reach a certain usage threshold..

You wouldn’t mind an automated report for quota usage as well…

Do you know with your Windows Server 2019 / 2022, you can fix this issue at no additional cost?

Here`s where File Share Resource Management (FRSM) comes in handy.

The first step is to Install FSRM with add-role/feature wizard. Afterwards, configure the quota limit and file-screen functionality.

I hope this helps!

#serveradministration #windowsserver #networkadmin #solutionarchitect #fileserver #systemadmin #networksecurity #activedirectory

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